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Hiring a Professional Human Resources Staffing Agency

Common Staffing Agency Solutions vs. Silicon Staffing Agencies Human Resources Solutions


Retained Search
Contingency Searches
Silicon Staffing Simple Solution
Silicon Staffing Corporate

Most expensive recruiting Option

Good Source of Recruiting help for Internal HR departments

Can Replace or Integrate into companies current Human Resources Department

Can Replace or Integrate into companies current Human Resources Department

Used for the President/CEO or VP level searches

Used for middle level/ multiple position searches

Used for multiple entry level and mid-level positions but can be utilized for high-level positions as well Silicon Staffing dedicates various questionnaire to key personnel in the company, along with examining in-depth internal research examining and understand your business, plans, strategy and staffing needs.

Used for High Level and Mid-Level positions

Staffing Agencies work with the employer to scope out needs by getting a full understanding of your business, plans and strategy.

Staffing Agencies usually wont go further than a few questions.

Silicon Staffing dedicates various questionnaire to key personnel in the company, along with in-depth examination of internal research and documentation to understand your business, plans, strategy and staffing needs.

Silicon Staffing dedicates various questionnaire to key personnel in the company, along with in-depth examination of internal and external research and documentation along with direct contact with key personal that would relate directly to the hire to understand your business, plans, strategy and staffing needs.

Staffing Agencies develop a clear idea of the corporate culture, especially for a senior level hire.

Staffing Agencies usually wont go further than a few questions.

Silicon Staffing Agency develops a clear idea of the corporate culture

Silicon Staffing Agency develops a clear idea of the corporate culture

Develop written job specs and a list of companies to recruit top level job candidates

Staffing Agencies generally won’t structure the position

Develop written job specs

Develop written job specs and a list of companies to recruit top level job candidates

written reports/summaries of the initial job interviews, Evaluations and/or Full Employment Screening

You will receive a “flood” of resumes and you may have a good deal of work to do in sorting through them to find the right type of person.

Silicon Staffing provides Verified Job Candidate Employer Profiles

Summaries and Audio recording of the initial job interview


Full Employment Screening

Silicon Staffing provides Verified Job Candidate Employer Profiles

Summaries and Audio recording of the initial job interview

Evaluations and or Testing

Credit History

Full Employment Screening

Interview Scheduling

Some may provide this service

Interview Scheduling, Reminders and follow up

Interview Scheduling, Reminders and follow up

Staffing Agency usually gets 1/3 of the budgeted first year cash compensation for the position (base plus bonus). Stock options are usually not factored in. So for a $150,000 position the search firm will get $50,000

Staffing Agencies typically charge about 20% of the first year cash base compensation.

Base fee of $2450

Contract Rates Vary Depending on Industry and Type of Hire


Contracted Hire can range from 1/10th to 1/5th of the budget first year salary compensation

Direct Hire – Will have a set recruitment fee that can be as low as $6500

Payment Schedule- 1/3 is paid when you retain the staffing agency, 1/3 after thirty days and the balance after sixty days

Pay only when they deliver a job candidate your company hires.

Payment is made when the service is retained.

Contracted Hire

See Contracted Hire Payment Schedule

Direct Hire - Payment is made when the service is retained.

Billing for Expenses most staffing agencies want to control the payment of such things as air fare and hotel for job candidates in order make sure things go smoothly. These expenses might average $800 to $1,000 or more per candidate.

Usually a list of predetermined expenses are provided in advance, in regards to screening costs or other hiring expenses.

A list of potential predetermined expenses are provided in advance, in regards to screening costs or other hiring expenses.

A list of potential predetermined expenses are provided in advance, in regards to travel costs or other hiring expenses.

Typical high-level job candidate placements are concluded within 60 to 90 days

Typical contingency employment placements are concluded as fast as 15 days but can take as long as 45 days.

Typically a candidate completes an initial recorded interview and is fully screened in 15 days and is ready for your interviewing stage. In some cases it maybe as soon as 5-7 business days.

Typically a candidate completes an initial recorded interview and is fully screened in 15 days and is ready for your interviewing stage.

Virtual Staff Efficiency Report

Drivers of Employee Enagagement


Virtual Staff Enagagement

Tips for Employee Engagement


Remote staff Engagement